Wolf Park Links to Favorite Places [HOME]

Navarro's Eyes

Links to Other Sites of Interest
If you would like to have your site added, or if there is a problem with any of the links, please contact Monty Sloan

Visitors to Wolf Park
should check out other
things to do in Lafayette here!

Lafayette Convention & Visitors Bureau Image

Lafayette Convention & Visitors Bureau

Visit other Facilities with Wolf Park Wolves:

Nashville Wildlife Park at Grassmere
Bay's Mountain Park
The Institute for Environmental Learning
Turtle Back Zoo
Folsom City Zoo
Wolf Haven
Metro Washington Park Zoo, Portland, OR
Deer River Wolves

Sites That Feature Wolf Park or Feature Wolf Park Wolves:

Wolf Tunes
Leo's Socrates Page
Equest Al (A great site devoted to Alyeska)
Net Pet Wolf Park Info
Diane & Marv's Page

Other Neat Sites Which Use Monty Sloan's Photography:

The Soul Sisters
Yellowstone Net
Endangered Species - Wolves
Wolf Homepage!
Welcome to the Wolf Den!
Tom & Aulfin's Wolf page
Wilki A Polish wolf site (also in English)
Two Socks Sue's Wolf & Genealogy Page
FemAlphWuf's Home Page
Return of the Species Undoing our Mistakes
The New Hampshire Wolf Alliance
LadyScorpio's Adopted Children - Onyx

Other Fun Stuff:

Eli Thomas
Gifts from the Wolf Clan
Legacy Dog Training Aids and Publications
Jeanne Filler Scott - Mack and the Boys

Other Wolf Organizations and Facilities:

Wolf Song of Alaska
The Wolf Sanctuary
Wild Sentry Ambassador Wolf Education Program
The Unofficial Wolf Hollow Page
Wolf Education and Research Center
International Wolf Center
UK Wolf Conservation Trust
Wolf Watch UK
Wolf Haven International
Friends of the Wolf
Grupo Lobo
North American Wolf Association
Timber Wolf Information Network

Other Wolf and Wolf Related Sites:

The Searching Wolf
Wolf Scratchpad
Carl Cook Wolf Photography
Klondike Shop
Ralph Maughan Wolf Report
The Ethiopian Wolf
Born Free Foundation Operation Wolf
The Wolf Page

Research Biologists and Wolf Research Projects

Layne G. Adams
Habitat Suitability Analysis of the Grey Wolf over its Global Range

General Educational Material

Mammal Slide Library
The H.O.W.L. Project a student created web page.
Wolves, Bears and Their Prey in Alaska

Stuff on Bison

Bison Kill in Yellowstone

Stuff on Bears

North American Bear Center

Sites Featuring Domesticated Wolves (otherwise known as dogs)

Mukluks Alaskan Malamutes
Jill Moore's Sled Dog Web Site

Wolf Hybrid Rescue:

Candy Kitchen Rescue Ranch
Villalobos Rescue Center
Wolf & Wolf Hybrid Rescue Page
Wolf Hybrid Rescue Center
Wolf Hybrid Rescue Network
Where Wolves Rescue

Other Wolf Hybrid Sites:

The Hybrid's Realm NEW!!! Very New!
Czech Wolfdog Site
The Wolf Dunn
Wolf Hybrid Guessing Game
Wolf Hybrid Times
The Wolf's Den

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Unless otherwise noted, all photographs ⌐ Monty Sloan/Wolf Park
For permission to use or for more information about wolf photographs please write Monty Sloan

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Site managed by Tigerwolf Images used with permission of the Artist
Web page ⌐ 1997 Monty Sloan
Last revised: November 8, 1997